SceneTextureLookup hlsl function no longer works in substrate

Hello, I would like to make some custom post process materials using the Custom HLSL node, and I need to do multiple texture lookups.

Previously, I would use the SceneTextureLookup function in hlsl to do this, but it no longer works in substrate. Here is some example code that should just return the same image without any changes:

float2 UV = GetViewportUV(Parameters) - 0.5;

// Adjust the UV coordinates to fit within the valid range (assuming 14 as your texture ID)
float2 FinalUV = ClampSceneTextureUV(ViewportUVToSceneTextureUV(UV + 0.5, 14), 14);

// Perform a simple scene texture lookup using the final UVs
float3 OutputColor = SceneTextureLookup(FinalUV, 14, true);

return OutputColor;

What’s strange is if I example the HLSL code output of the shader, it DOES in fact use the SceneTextureLookup function when using nodes like “SceneTexture”.