SceneTexture in Custom Node

I’m trying to make an outline, with adjustable thickness. All I can see are just repetitive stuff, and I have found out with Custom Node I can just excuse a lot of work, with custom node it’s just two nested loops. But when I try to do, I have found out that scene texture is already sampled… I want to sample it in the custom node.

bump.Somebody please? I really need to know this

Look in Engine\Shaders\Private\Common.ush

I have found this
// depth in the red channel in DeviceZ
Texture2D SceneDepthTexture;
SamplerState SceneDepthTextureSampler;
Texture2D CustomDepthTexture;
SamplerState CustomDepthTextureSampler;
// Custom Stencil texture used for mobile platforms
Texture2D MobileCustomStencilTexture;
SamplerState MobileCustomStencilTextureSampler;
// scene HDR color
Texture2D SceneColorTexture;
SamplerState SceneColorTextureSampler;
// copy of scene alpha for PC ES2 emulation
Texture2D SceneAlphaCopyTexture;
SamplerState SceneAlphaCopyTextureSampler;
// shadow and light function
Texture2D LightAttenuationTexture;
SamplerState LightAttenuationTextureSampler;