SceneCaptureComponent2D - Orthographic near/far plane settings are not working

Hey everyone,

I think this might be a bug but I want to make certain I’m not missing a setting somewhere before reporting it.

Tested versions: UE 5.3 & 5.5.2

Using the Orthographic camera with a 2.5 (topdown) camera can introduce render clipping as the scene intersects with the near clip plane of the camera.
This is usually solved by either moving the camera further from the scene and increasing the Ortho Width or by offsetting the near clip plane in the camera frustum.

For a Orthographic camera this works as expected, both using the Auto Plane shift or by manually adjusting the Ortho Near / Far clip Plane.

When using the SceneCaptureComponent2D neither the near or far plane clipping can be adjusted. I have tried all settings in all possible combinations and there is no visual difference to the clipping plane except when using “Use Camera Height as View Target”. This lowers the clipping plane to the camera height making the problem worse.

Video showcase - Ortho camera where the problem is absent is on the left, - SceneCaptureComponent2d rendertarget on the right.