Scenecapturecomponent2d only capture parent mesh?

Hey all,

I’m trying to use a scenecapturecomponent2d to capture an image of the player character for a “character sheet” in a multiplayer game. It mostly works as expected, but because it’s set to capture skeletal meshes, other skeletal meshes, including other players, are also captured by the component. Ideally, I’d just like it to be the parent mesh on a black background. Is there any way to limit it to just capture the parent mesh?

I’ve mitigated the issue somewhat by reducing the capture distance down to just behind the player character, eliminating meshes appearing in the background… I still have the issue of players between my character and the capture component being rendered though.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give!

Is there any way to limit it to just
capture the parent mesh?

You can isolate what’s needed via ShowOnly Lists (in addition to flags). There are also nodes to add actors and arrays of actors.

That’s awesome, thank you! I’m a long time C++ user but still learning Unreal so I really appreciate the help!