I’m trying to capture the scene thanks to a SceneCapture2D in the CitySample project available on the market place. I have done so on a UE4 project before and could obtain a result similar to the rendering of the viewport:
However, using a SceneCapture2D in this game level results in a overexposed image:
Here is also an image captured with the night mode of the game:
To capture such images I use the following blueprint, to export the texture target attached to my SceneCapture2D.
I’m using the default parameters of the SceneCapture2D, except the capture source which is “Final color (LDR) in RGB”. For the Render Target, I asl use the default parameters except the resolution and the render target format which is “RTF RGBA8 SRGB”.
This seems to be related to the way the lights are made in the project. I tweaked some of the parameters of SceneCapture2D without any great result. Also, I’m quite new to this world and there are so many parameters that I don’t know where to look at.
Does anyone has an idea to obtain the same rendering as the one in the viewport?
Thank you in advance.