When moving an entity in scene graph with either keyframe deltas or setting the global transform it appears the entity will stop replicating the movement to the client when the player moves around 15,000ish units from spawn. Using print strings confirms the entity is still moving along as it is suppose to be but it appears on screen as if it has frozen. Crossing back under this distance threshold the entity will appear where it is suppose to be, and continue moving. If the player remains stationary, or under this threshold, the object never stops moving.
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Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Steps to Reproduce
Create a basic entity prefab with any type of mesh. Move it along its forward vector. Preferably a bit slower to confirm that it is happening regardless if the player is close to the moving object. Move the player along with the object and observe that the object stops moving on screen, but printing the objects translation confirms it is indeed still updating correctly. Move backwards, closer to your starting location, and observe that the object “teleports” to it’s correct position and continues moving. You can also remain stationary, or not move too far forward and observe the object never stops moving.
Expected Result
As the player runs alongside the moving entity it will continue moving.
Observed Result
Regardless of how close to the entity the player is, it will stop visually updating its movement to the client. If the player does not move around 15,000units forward, or remains stationary, the entity will continue moving as expected.
Tested on Windows only
Additional Notes
I have tried this on normal props without scene graph enabled. Funny enough I observed similar results but only if the player is too far from the moving prop. Through forum posts I believe this is caused by network replication culling distances? But since this is only occurring with my entity after the player moves a certain distance, even if I’m right next to the entity, I find it a bit odd. You can also see the objects location updating in the corner print logs, and when I start and stop the movement manually.