Scene Capture/Render Target Do Not Match Scene


I am trying to create a live video feed that accurately captures the scene for the player to view from a video monitor. I have a pawn with a SceneCaptureComponent2D that is feeding to a Render Target, which is being used as a Linear Color Texture Sample in the material for the monitor mesh. Here is the result:

As you can see, they are quite different. I have tried to follow some other threads I have found on this forum, but most of them are almost a decade old and do not address my issue. I’ve tried setting the SceneCaptureComponent2D capture source to LDR, the gamma on the RenderTarget to 2.2, and the texture sample in the material to linear color, but that does fix the discrepancy.

Note: The only lighting I have in the scene is a direct light.

I appreciate any advice you may have, thank you.

you gotta enable lumen in the capture component’s post process options and tick the capture cache scale.


Lovely, that was it. Thank you!

You wouldn’t happen to know what causes this motion artifact when panning the camera would you?

no clue, tbh. could be motion vector funkyness. it looks like failing only in the distance and center region. inconsistent. it doesn’t make a lot of sense.

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For anybody in the future that may have this issue with the weird blurring artifact, it was the AA settings.

That weird blurring was fixed after switching the AA to FXAA in the project settings.

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