Scene capture 2d with post processing material

“4.18” I cant seem to figure out how to enable post processing on a scene capture 2d node, despite it appearing to have the option to do so. I’ve read that there was an option as "Final color (LDR with post processing) but at this point all i see is "Final Color (LDR) in RBG. Did they change where this option is enabled on newer versions?

I’m using 4.22.1, I’m not sure about the node but in the details panel Final color LDR in RGB includes PP. Two things: You can’t have a PP volume overlapping your scene capture camera if you want it to use the PP settings in it’s detail options. Also you have to turn on AlwaysPersistRenderingState.
And also, if you have a high resolution on your render target and it’s capturing every frame it really kills the framerate. I ended up using the Capture Scene node (scene capture component 2d). with a begin overlap on a trigger box, so it only kills the framerate sometimes :slight_smile:


I was googling this too, seems to be a bug. You need to have “Capture on Every Frame” turned on, you can turn it on just before the “capture scene” node, then turn it off after. This fixed it for me!