Scan positions in E57

I loaded laser scanning in E57 format into RealityCapture 1.2, but (Autodesk ReCap) all points of the scanner are positioned in space from each other, but for some reason this information is not pulled up automatically by RealityCapture, and it takes a very long time to bind 300 points manually.
What could be the solution to restore the positioning of the lidar over the entire area automatically.
Alignment unfortunately does not work automatically, it does not have enough overlap at all points.
I don’t understand how to extract scanner positions from Recap and add them to RealityCapture
I did not find other common scan formats except E57 in Autodesk ReCap

Hi LEX96121,
were the laser scans registered in ReCap or other soft? Have you exported them as one E57 or separated files for each station? What were the laser scan import settings into RC?
Can you try these import settings and then align the laser scans:
If your scans were georeferenced, then select right coordinate system

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