I have create a child (SWindow) of a Parent Window(SWindow) . The Child window is a part of a Compound Widget class
pDialogMainWindow = SNew(SWindow)
.ClientSize(FVector2D(1100, 800))
.SupportsMinimize(true)//.ShouldPreserveAspectRatio(true) //.IsTopmostWindow(true) [ [ SAssignNew(pOverlay, SOverlay) + SCanvas::Slot() .HAlign(HAlign_Fill) .VAlign(VAlign_Fill) .Size(FVector2D(950.0f, 700.0f)) .Position(FVector2D(140.0f, 45.0f)) [ // Child Window Widget SAssignNew(pRealBandImportSettings, RealBandImportSettingsUI) ]
The issue is when I re size the parent window the child window does not scale with respect to its parent window