Hello all, hope someone else has found the workflow for this.
I want to be able to scale my keyframes over time, much like a lot of other keyframe editors. I think I could probably achieve it through sub scenes, but that’s anotehr step in the workflow that I’d like to avoid if possible.
E.g. let’s say I have a vehicle animated and I then want to elongate that sequence so it lasts longer. I’m sure there was a way to do this in UE3 but I can’t find the command/ shortcut for UE4. I’m working in 4.23 and 4.24 projects if that helps!
Mind sharing the exact quote? That is a loooong release note and I couldn’t find the solution yet, despite your vague information “about a quarter of the way down.”
You can also time scale sections, which will scale the keyframes proportionally to the scale amount. Hold Ctrl and drag the edge of a section to timescale a section. Time scaling is denoted by a clock icon beside your cursor when holding Ctrl and hovering over the left or right edge of a section.
Do you know how to anchor the first key frame on the left so it does not move when you slide the keys from the right? I have not figured this out. Adding different timelines means doing blueprint work, is there a way to do this in Sequencer without blueprints.
You can create a master sequence and embed multiple sequences into that.
Basically, if you duplicate your current sequence and save that as Shot1 and Shot 2, then just delete the extra keys in shot01 (ie 1323 - end) and in shot02 remove the keys prior to where you want your scaling to happen (ie 1322 to 0), then drag all the frames back (frame 1323 becomes frame 0) that might be the way to fix it. Again, what I’m saying might not make sense because I’ve looked into it for all of 2 minutes and rarely use Sequencer.
Try selecting the keys you want, going to the spanner and choosing Transform>Stretch/Shrink and then you can scale the selected keys by clicking the * key by the amount you specifiy. Or CTRL+M
I just wanted to clarify that if you select the keyframes you want to scale, and then press CTRL + M this will bring up a window that will allow you to either multiply (*) or divide (/) the current keyframe spacing. For example, typing 1.25 and then hitting the * button will cause the keyframes to be spaced out 125% of their current spacing and thus slow down the animation, whereas typing 0.75 and pressing the * button will scale the keys to 75% of their current spacing, moving them closer together and thus speeding up the animation.
The plus and minus keys will simply space the keyframes by the specified amount each time you press them either further apart or closer together. This also allows you to select a single keyframe and push it back and forth on the timeline for slight timing adjustments.
You don’t need to do the Transform>Stretch/Shrink part that BjornToulouse suggested as it’s a separate feature.