Scaled lighting UVs from Max and fast question about UVlayout

Hi all,

I am trying to convert some 3ds max models into Unreal but I usually encounter some problems: I would want to use a decent and fast system to make the lighting UVs for channel 2, so I have tried the flatten unmapping of Max to not having poverlapping UVs, but when I import the model in Unreal I find different UV scales, so maybe a model presents lighting resolution with red squares and some other zones with stretched blu “rectangles”.

Please, is there a way to prevent those scaled or streched squares when doing flatten mapping? (I don’t want to make UVs manually).

I have heard about UVlayout software, but also in this case I would need it to have an automatic or semi-auto system, simply fot lighting UVs. Does it have it? Is it as easy and fast like Max’s flatten mapping? Do you know about a good and “direct” tutorial and could you share it, please? (or about another better software for this purpose).

Thank you very much!

Automatic Flatten UV’s should not have any stretched polygons, maybe you have the Automatic Generate Lightmaps option enabled in UE4? That option will take your existing UV’s and run an algorithm to flatten them out and pack them, so it can result in some weird situations. If you already have the UV’s set up the way you want then you need that option turned off.
Just note, there is no automatic UV mapping tool that will give you as good of results as doing it manually

Thank you @darthviper107 ! However I still have this issue: as I understand, Lightmap resolution is lower on those blue edges. In some models it happens even widther, so sometimes it generates some shadows in wrong places or illuminated zones:

I have tried with this free and easy-to-download model, so you all can test too, if you want:

Best regards!