Scale skeletal mesh AND skeleton simultaneously

Hi, I imported a metahuman to UE 5.0.3 and I’m trying to create weapon sockets. But the metahuman skeleton (and i assume skeletal mesh) is way too small. The guns fit the mannequin perfectly, s the MH is just smaller than it should be. Can somebody tell me how i change the scale of both the skeletal mesh AND the skeleton without breaking anything? I can’t find this anywhere.
Thanks to all who help.

But how is possible you reach to such of conclusion??

Is not more easier to think… ok mannequin is kind of robot made in a different style and the weapon is not real?

How? Please tell me

You have my word weapons fit perfectly

In any case duplicate the weapon and scale, more easier, isn’t?

Share a screenshot of what is happening, my imagination has some limits :joy:

Well I can assure you the weapons are way bigger in comparison to my MH than the other skeletons. I made an entire map that’s based on the size of a mannequin so everything will be too big. Plus any meshes I add from here on will be too big. I’ll scale the weapons if I have to but is there no way to just scale a skeletal mesh/skeleton? That would be much better.
Thanks fir the reply and I hope to hear from you again.

Ok I then use this solution, sure you like!

Hey. Yeah I’d have to do it for every bone though. Could you just tell me how to scale my guns down? They are skeletal meshes though. But since this us a super complicated problem apparently, I’ll just scale the guns like you said. How do I do that though?

Thanks again

Hi there,
You want to store a scale factor reference for each character height in a form of variable, type vector. For instance, for tall characters, the saved variable is (1, 1, 1), for medium and short metahuman let’s say, the values are (0.75, 0.75, 0.75) and (0.6, 0.6, 06). You have to experiment with these values later. Each character blueprint will have its own values saved beforehand.

Then refer to your weapon attachment. The basic logic uses “attach actor to component”. All you have to do is to add a “set world scale 3D” using that saved scale factor variable afterwards. You want to add blueprint communication logic to read the actor’s variable and apply the correct scale to your weapon after attaching it to the character. Are you using the Lyra Game or other custom setup?

This is an example from the Action RPG template, adapted just to give you the general idea.

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Yeah @BO-DACIOUS that’s how
It’s not a good idea to change the metahuman skeleton

If you want weapons that matches, I’m using those

Hi there,
Not sure if I understood correctly. Do you want a taller metahuman or smaller weapons to fit the shorter ones?

If you want to scale up shorter characters, use Transform modify bone in the animation blueprint, select only the root node (or pelvis) a setup like this:

If you have access to the Metahuman Creator, you just need to edit the body mesh and select the taller template. You don’t need to use blueprint logic to change your character skeleton.

@L.F.A a question about last one what is going to happen with the capsule is containing the skeletal mesh in the metahuman bp… it will affect collisions?

I guess to scale the skeletal won’t affect the capsule, then the metahuman will be taller than the container

Got it. If you scale up the capsule, all its parented components will follow the new scale.


And the weapons too… then are going to be bigger always…

Anyway @BO-DACIOUS this is what you are looking for

To keep weapon’s original scale, change the scale attachment rule to “Keep World”. If you want the weapon scale to follow the actor, set to snap to target.

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Yeah so scaling a bit the metahuman capsule and changing the snap you mean.

What I have no idea is it will affect whatever else, metahuman are so complex, perhaps the hair explodes or eyelashes are inside de eyes…

Understood, I haven’t tested it so far, but everything should be scaled up to match its parent component. Only testing will tell if works or not. Give it a try.

Or it seems to be good and someday in a update…

Yeah that’s it. I’m afraid something unexpected happens

Looks like everything should work normally. For Lyra game, it is a bit different because weapon attachment happens with C++, so it can be hard making custom attachment rules for different character scales using blueprints only.

Hey, okay I didn’t realize scaling the root would scale the entire skeleton, good to know. I just added the guns Alberto suggested and they fit my MH. So now I’m wondering the best way to be able to use any gun mesh, since I plan to add more later, and they seem to be different sizes. I guess it would be scaling the guns to all the same size?

Is it possible to scale them, skeletal mesh and skeleton, inside UE, or if not, How do I bring them into Blender?

Thank you for your reply, this gas been my biggest challenge in Unreal yet.

OK I’ll check this out later or tomorrow. Could you quickly tell me what this covers so I know what to expect?

Funny thing, when I read your reply about that gun pack I had it open in Epic already because I just discovered I already had it lol. Was it free? I don’t remember buying it. But I’m glad you told me about it because I wasn’t sure about it. So thanks for the reference :slight_smile: