Scale for Custom NPCs no longer working

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



When spawning custom NPC characters, they no longer obey the scale of the skeletal mesh inside the blueprint. It seems they spawn at the exact size of the skeletal mesh, even when a scale override is applied at import. The only solution seems to be to scale down the skeletal mesh in the DCC and reimport.

Steps to Reproduce

Create a new blueprint and add a custom skeletal mesh to it. Scale the custom skeletal mesh to a smaller size within the blueprint. Set this new blueprint as a custom Cosmetic → Character Blueprint on a new NPC Definition. Set this NPC character to spawn and it will revert to the default scale.

Expected Result

Skeletal mesh should retain the scaling applied within the blueprint.

Observed Result

Skeletal mesh reverts to default size when spawning from the NPC Spawner.


Windows 11

Additional Notes

Perhaps this is now the expected behavior, but this scaling worked for us before a recent update. (It’s a very nice feature to have, as it lets us be quite a bit more optimized with our projects not having to import multiple meshes for different sized characters). Thanks!

The status of FORT-745315 incident has been moved from ‘Unconfirmed’ to ‘Needs Triage’.

Dupe of FORT-703330


Second this

@natereese is this still happening?



Hey @Flak,

I just did a test and can confirm this is still happening. Would be so cool to be able to reuse the same skeletal mesh for larger NPCs!


Still an issue in v32.00


Just tried to change the scale of the skeletal mesh in the NPC Character Blueprint today in the latest version 33.20 and it is still not working!

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Still an issue!! Please fix this, we wish to use bigger NPCs!!

Checking into this.

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This is being actively investigated.


Bump. Still an issue…