Scalable Triggers Events in Unreal Engine

I been thinking a few days back on how to do a Trigger Event system. I’ll explain myself better:
I want a Trigger System that allows me to do some differents events in differents situations but I want the triggers to be scalabale.

What I mean by that? I mean that I don’t have to create 20 classes to make all the triggers that I want, only have one main and then maybe like 3 trigger childs but not more.
Examples of the triggers that I wanna be able to do it’s like closing doors, when I look to some places play noises and animations, do when I get something another thing…

That’s it, I been thinking on how can I do it to be scalable and easy to work with without having to code a lot specifically for every one but I don’t figure how can I achieve it. If someone can help me :frowning:

PD: Oh yeah, I’m on Unreal Engine 5.2 C++ doing everything except WBP in C++ (you can talk to me in BP, I’ve learned to translate BPs to C++ (I had to do it because there were not that much C++ tutorials)).

You can use Interfaces to achieve this functionality.
Docs: Interfaces | Unreal Engine Documentation

Yeah, I’ve been using it for some other things and I thought of using it for this too, but I’m very blocked right now and I don’t know how it would help me, like, what I have to delcarate or something. I’ll try to think more.

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