Saving to an FString from a TArray of Fstrings

Hello, I am trying to save elements from TArray into a new FString reference but UE4 crashes when I do the following code:

		TArray<FString> OutArray;
		int32 arraySize = lines[line].ParseIntoArrayWS(&OutArray);

		for (int j = 0; j < arraySize; j++) {

			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%d = %s"), j, *OutArray[j]);


		FString symbol = *OutArray[0];

The last statement causes a crash, but the Log Message statement in the forloop does not. I would like it so that the last statement works, what can I do?

FString symbol = *OutArray[0];

You don’t need * in this, it’s only needed if you want to get TCHAR type from string which is needed in logs.