Saving then Opening Scene Breaks Lighting, Laggy

Hi there,
Fairly new to Twinmotion and loving it- while it works. I worked on a scene and over the course of multiple days I saved, closed then opened it the next day all the lights and emissive materials are all maxed out at 100,000 nits. Twinmotion is also EXTREMELY laggy and practically unusable, pressing the w key to move forward moves the camera forward a second later and there’s alot of blurring and artifacts from lumen. as you can see in the screenshots the wall is super dark and everything is super contrasted.

This has also occured with another scene I’m trying to build. The only way I managed to fix the broken scene the first time was to go through all the lighting elements and tone them back down, but the main thing that fixed the laggyness and super dark walls was turning the environment main lighting back down again. this was frustrating as i had no clue what i was looking for the first time and was playing with random levels until something worked. I also tried to lower brightness of environment for the second scene but that hasn’t worked now and it is still very laggy.

The second screenshot shows the scene as it should be, the first is what the first scene looks like directly after opening a .tm file.

Feels like save as breaks the file, then have to fix it again.
If someone can please help that would be great and the results are great but it is unusable after a save the same .tm scene a few times.