Here’s my new approach to saving the screenshots. First, the blueprint:
Next, the C++ SaveScreenshot function:
bool USaveGametFunctionLibrary::SaveScreenshot(
class USceneCaptureComponent2D* Target,
const FLinearColor ClearColour,
const FString SaveGameName)
if ((Target == nullptr) || (Target->TextureTarget == nullptr))
return false;
FRenderTarget* RenderTarget = Target->TextureTarget->GameThread_GetRenderTargetResource();
if (RenderTarget == nullptr)
return false;
TArray<FColor> RawPixels;
// Format not supported - use PF_B8G8R8A8.
if (Target->TextureTarget->GetFormat() != PF_B8G8R8A8)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT(“Format not supported - use PF_B8G8R8A8.”));
return false;
if (!RenderTarget->ReadPixels(RawPixels))
return false;
// Convert to FColor.
FColor ClearFColour = ClearColour.ToFColor(false); // FIXME - want sRGB or not?
for (auto& Pixel : RawPixels)
// Switch Red/Blue changes.
const uint8 PR = Pixel.R;
const uint8 PB = Pixel.B;
Pixel.R = PB;
Pixel.B = PR;
// Set alpha based on RGB values of ClearColour.
Pixel.A = ((Pixel.R == ClearFColour.R) && (Pixel.G == ClearFColour.G) && (Pixel.B == ClearFColour.B)) ? 0 : 255;
IImageWrapperModule& ImageWrapperModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<IImageWrapperModule>(FName(“ImageWrapper”));
TSharedPtr<IImageWrapper> ImageWrapper = ImageWrapperModule.CreateImageWrapper(EImageFormat::PNG);
const int32 Width = Target->TextureTarget->SizeX;
const int32 Height = Target->TextureTarget->SizeY;
if (ImageWrapper.IsValid() && ImageWrapper->SetRaw(&RawPixels[0], RawPixels.Num() * sizeof(FColor), Width, Height, ERGBFormat::RGBA, 8))
FFileHelper::SaveArrayToFile(ImageWrapper->GetCompressed(), *GetSaveGameScreenshotName(SaveGameName));
return true;
return false;