I’m not realy sure if this is even possible. But i want to use a material to offset a bone in my skeletal mesh.
It’s like the opposite of parameters that you can create in a material. With these you can input a value from outside the materiral, from within a blueprint for example.
I want to know if you can do the opposit to. Save a value into a parameter in the material and use that value in the blueprint.
That’s a material instance. But if you want to change the instance from blueprint and have it the same next time you run the game, then you need to use the save game.
Thx for your reply. I looked into that, but is doesn’t seem to be the thing i am looking for. In the below you can see that i can ask a value from a parameter in the material and i get the correct value. But i want to do a bunch of opperations in the material and get the result of that, those values i want to use in my blueprint. i Also tried inputting the result into a texture parameter, but i can’t retrieve the values i want from that.