Save Game Post Cutscene

So I need a simple Save and Load system but can;t get through it, wherein if the player continues into the game, it detects whether the introduction cutscene has been played or not and if it is played, then the game skips the introduction and begins.
The event for playing the introduction cutscene is in the Level BP.
I have a seperate level for the Main Menu which displays the MainMenu Widget.

What I have tried:

  1. Using a struct which is referenced into the GameMode and later accessed to set a Introduction Played(1A Bool) variable , which I use to verify inside the MainMenu widget whether the cutscene should be skipped.

  2. Creating a Save Game System in the Current GameMode and calling the events in the Widget for loading and Level BP for saving .

Any Help Is Much Appreciated.

You have to set the struct, then save the save game

The Bool returns True but there is no effect of loading.

In the picture, you’re setting a value in the save game after saving it. You need to update the save game, then save it :slight_smile:

Okay I’m lost, Is there a better way to do this? Sorry for the late response.

Okay found the solution.

I need to (in my MENU WidgetBP) check if the save game exists, and load game from slot.

In my LevelBP, on beginplay I check whether I have a SaveGame and load it, if not then the game will continue and turn the 1A boolean to true.

Once it turns true I can access the SaveGame by pressing continue in MenuBP.

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