I am building a game through blueprints My main game started with the third person template so my main level map is called “ThirdPersonExampleMap” i have built most of my game so far inside this level i have created save game functions within this map which works fine saves everything as it should Workflow = Check if save game object is valid - if its not create save game object - set variables - save game to slot. Works like charm i press S the .sav files appear in the save game folder.
My issue is because i wanted a “Main Menu” to appear before the actual game loaded i created a new level map and just called it “test” inside this i have got my main menu to show i can get the buttons to work fine for example when i press “New Game” it will load the main level fine using “open Level” node on the button click, If i change options they will change etc…
I am trying to save some variables from the main menu to load at a later time within the main level map. I have set up a save game object and function just like i did above just with its own things like name, slot name, save game object name etc… i have done the same workflow but no mater what way i try to call the save game function it just refuses to create a save game file like with the other map nothing appears in the save folder at all and i cant figure out for the life of me why… is it because im trying to do it inside the blank level map i created am i missing a setting somewhere i have no idea. Screen shots below one of the save game function and one of the way that function is called.