Save data resetting daily for some players

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For some players, save data seems to revert to the day the map update was released when we swapped to using verse persistence. They will play several games throughout the day, data will save, and after 8 or so hours or a day it reverts

Steps to Reproduce

Not sure, one factor is the map does contain a save device for inventory and gold, and two trackers with persistence enabled that were used to transfer data over from device to verse

Expected Result

Player data saves and loads properly without issue, if they haven’t played in awhile it will load their old wins to start. Inventory and gold should update and stay updated

Observed Result

For some players data is reverting to the day the map update released, and those players constantly have the problem. Other players never have the issue


All platforms

Island Code


The status of FORT-764995 incident has been moved from ‘Ready for QA’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘By Design’

Some greater detail for this:

  • This has been happening for multiple days in a row, always for the same people, since June 25th (release date of updated map)

  • The save data device always acts in tandem with the verse data rollback, setting the affected players data to the same values they had on June 25th

  • Players old wins, still currently stored on the old tracker device(s) persists and populates the verse data (as it should on a new class) every day when a “day” passed (whatever consistent timeframe this is happening)

  • All verse persistence is being called properly, player is being checked, and class is only being assigned if the player has no existing data. Otherwise it should simply pass an if statement check on existing data

  • All data updates/overwrites are additive constructors, nothing can be set to 0 as a result of code in the current state

  • Players who are unaffected remain unaffected

  • Side note, which may or may not have bearing here, trackers when they were the main source of persistence for this island would sometimes simply not work for some players, ever. Which seems to be the same issue but executed differently perhaps

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