Sand Material Repeating ...

Hello !
I created a Sand Texture in UE4, and when i apply it on my landscape
the texture is repeating over and over, i went in the texture and clicked on "show advanced options’’
and changed “x-axis tiling method and y-axis tiling method” on Clamp but that still doesn’t work …
I am new on UE4, Please can someone help me ?
Maybe i didn’t do the material right :confused:
Thanks ! Have a nice day :smiley:

alt text

add a texture coordinate node and plug it into the uv channel of each texture. then select the texture coordinate node and in the details panel in the bottom left change the u-tiling and v-tiling, this will increase or decrease the amount of tiling depending on values you input (in this case the larger the number the more it tiles so try something like 0.25). you could also try the landscape layer coordinates node which will give you a similar result.

Yes that does work thanks dude ! :smiley: