I’m doing an application, where i have one blueprint that i want to reuse with diferent values in variables. I need to use the same class blueprint because i want to call on event in other blueprint that calls this event for all the blueprints of the class.
More explanation: I have one blueprint that can change the materials of an object from an array of materials. And i want to have more than one instances of this blueprint with different materials for each object (floor, walls, etc…). And like Unity i want to assign that materials from the editor for each instance of the blueprint because. I want too, call a custom event (hides the UI to change the material) of that instances of the blueprint at the same time when something happens (the camera moves) and i dont want to call that event for every blueprint (if i have a different blueprint with diferent materials for all the objects that i can change the material).
It seems like you just need to right click on your blueprint in the content browser and create a child blueprint (I think it’s the top option).
From there you’ll get another blueprint that will be a child of the class that you want to edit and all calls to the parent class will effect instances of the child.
You’ll also have access to edit all public and protected values that are not flagged with the advanced display option from within the edtior.
If your logic to change materials runs in the construction script, you will see changes to the object immediately after manipulating any values that are related to said script.
Thank you for your reply. We’ll try it later today I think this can be t’he solution. We are used to work with Unity where we can define public variables in a script, put that script in múltiple objectes and set different values.