Sale Report - Max Date is 21.12.2024


When I check sales reports, It’s showing current date as End-date but in the background it only listing sales since 21.12.2024

What type of bug are you experiencing?


URL where the bug was encountered

Steps to Reproduce

Enter the sales report
Check the date (you will see current date)
Try change it manually. ( It will not let you edit it to the days after 21.12.2024)

Expected Result

I can select the day before the current day

Observed Result

Date rate selection tab don’t let you selectthe days after 21.12.2024 and I believe it doesn’t show new sales.



Operating System

Windows 11

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Additional Notes

thank for recent updates :slight_smile: It’s becoming better everyday !!

The same problem!

Hi there - thanks for reporting this. We’ll take a look but it may take a bit to resolve as many people are out for the holidays.


Hey all, our devs have confirmed the issue, and we hope to have it fixed in the next few days.


Works for me in Chrome: If, after seeing red text, you click sorting by month and click back sorting by dates the dates can be set, submitted and shown as expected again.


Had that same issue yesterday but It seem to be fixed now,

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I’m experiencing the same issue, but in my case, the max date is 20/12/2024
Its the 26th and I cannot check the sales from the last 6 days.


We just released a fix to (hopefully) resolve this issue. Please log out and back in, and let us know if you still have issues with this.


Sales reports doesn’t update since 25/12/24. I do i have some sales during 26~27, but the sales report page doesn’t update.


Me and many of my colleagues do not have a sales report for yesterday (12.26.24), it shows that there were no sales, although almost everyone had sales in the previous days.

Personally, I have a lot of inexpensive assets on sale and the day before yesterday there were 18 sales, and yesterday - 0, I think there could be an error in the report.


Am not sure if that related Sort by: Relevance... kills sales
but other people had sales mostly everyday and suddenly stopped weirdly.

I hope that it just a report bug or worse thing would be that client has bought a product and we didnt got credited :face_with_head_bandage:

There only a few days before payout, i hope payout won’t be based on that buggy report as well.

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The payment will be for November, there are no problems with the report there. And for December, we will receive at the end of January, and so far there is no information about sales only for yesterday.

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Yes right after 30 days i just double check my 2023 and 2024 statement. :innocent:

I hope they resolve that soon and that there no hidden records/sales in the report.

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Same problem here, lots of my assets are part of the holiday sale, they were selling well, but the report shows 0 sales on December 26th, based on the previews days it’s hard to believe I had no sales on 26th. I think it’s more likely that yesterday’s fix introduced a new bug.

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Same here, guys. Zero sales for 26 December.

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Did the report updated for you guys? It updated here, 27 looks normal, but still no sales on 26. Was FAB down that day or something like that? I still find this quite strange.

On the 27th, I had one sale, just of this product, which is hanging on the main page in “Top Deals”.

There were no sales on the 26th, although there were 18 sales on the 25th. So far, I have not found a single person who would have sales on the 26th, and I have asked sellers in various chat rooms where there are more than 200 people selling on FAB.

I have sales on 26th December.*

*It appeared today

Now I can see the sales from 26th, they showed up in the report today. But can anyone see the sales from 28th?

Indeed, sales appeared in the report for the 26th! Did anyone have sales on the 28th?