Sale Report - Max Date is 21.12.2024

Order Date

Sales Report 25-29 Dec

Look like 28 Dec is broken too.


Sales for the 28th have just appeared in the statistics. Somehow it became a little late to update the statistics. Of course, I would like to do it more often.


Ahh yes it working now :+1:

The report just updated, now I can see the 28th sales.

Same for me :+1: 28th updated a bit later than usual but it’s here.

There is no sales showing up for 27-28-29 this never happened before what is wrong

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It seem to be updated late now, check out in 1hr.

I have none for 29 Dec but i know i got at least 2 client.

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It just updated, but this is really starting to get frustrating! Hopefully, they fix it this week or at least let us know what’s going on.


Same here just got updated, now it reset around 3:45 GMT(+0)

In my opinion 3:40 - 3:45

Still no sales for me this is so weird

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People had an issue on 26 Dec and got updated 3 days later but am not sure if that a global thing or if the update fix is done in batch users.

Try to contact support and ask them if you had any sales during these days.

(post deleted by author)

Usually late in the night or it can sometime fall a 31 that you will receive a hyperwallet email.


I’ve sent a support request now. It’s really weird that I didn’t sell anything during this end-of-the-year sale.

I have a product which is normally quite popular and it’s the first time in its existence that it goes on sale, so it seems me really strange and weird it’s not selling.

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Same problem I sent support request too

Another strange thing I noticed since 25th is that there is never more than 1 daily sale per product in the report. While this is totally possible, it’s unusual. On the old UE marketplace, during sales events like this, each product used to sell several units per day. Did any of you had a product with more than 1 daily sale in the last few days?

Yes from these one:, i just started as a seller so i don’t have much data nor do daily sales.

I even got 1 star rating on 27 Dec(told by fab support) from a troller who most likely didnt even read the guide. i cant even dispute it, i feel i shouldnt have participated in the holidaly sale. That pretty annoying for small sellers like me. :pensive:


For me the last was on 24h, I thought it was a new bug, but I guess it’s not.

That’s really annoying when that happens. Unfortunately, there are many buyers like this. I occasionally get some unfair reviews as well. Once, I even received a 1-star review on a UE5 asset simply because it wasn’t compatible with UE4.

At least now there needs to be at least five reviews before the score appears. If you had received this review as your first, the listing would probably have been dead afterwards. I hope that when Fab implements text reviews, they will allow us to reply to reviews so we can help or inquire about what went wrong. This way, the buyer may decide to change their rating. I believe this would be helpful to everyone.

Did any of you had a product with more than 1 daily sale in the last few days?

@Arodi007 already demonstrated, but if it helps, I can also confirm that it’s working fine. If you have multiple sales of the same product on the same day, it displays correctly.