's stuff

Can anyone make a tutorial please ? Would be !!!

It’s really amazing. Keep it up!

I think its not that hard as said. I don’t see any kind of rocket science here. He’s doing very composition and lighting. That is the secret about magical things. He told us some really cool technique about lighting now all you need to learn is composition and lighting with PBR shading. When you get the basic idea of how lighting and composition thing works, you’ll start understanding how is he doing all these crazy stuff. If you see closely he’s using same stuff like else. He knows the “Artistic” way to create awesomeness.
by the way. I really loved your last one!
just in case if anyone interests.

Hahaha…Thank you so much! I have been trying to say that as well xD And nice vid, thanks for sharing :slight_smile:


Oh…and I forgot something^^ I really dont have to say how ******* amazing looks since I already appreciated your stuff from the first time :wink: BUT…I actually have some small feedback/critisism for you.

While I love the distribution of the vertex paint (besides the first window on the right, inside the framing) I dislike the blending effect of the vertex paint a lot^^ Its like…you look at it and say wow…thats ******* amazing! Then you look again and youre like what? That doesnt make sense :smiley: I see how you made the corners where the walls hit the ground a little bit chamfered (I guess^^) so you get a slight spec on it instead of the cut you would normally get. You also modeled stuff a bit uneven with amazing attention to detail so it looks natural. But then…I get confused of the materials in the vertex paint. I dont know if the plaster is below the tiles, or if it is above them. I think it should be below them…which is kinda of what feels right for scene. But then again, the tiles dont fit with that, since the mask you used is not the one from the tiles, but instead some noise mask I guess. So works against the tiles and makes it look like the plaster was above it which then fights against the suggestion of the scene: its below it (and it also feels more logical to have tiles ontop of plaster^^) So yeah…I know might sound a bit …nitpicky I guess^^…but I think considering will improve the scene quite a bit :wink:

So yeah…still insanely work as always! :wink:

Cheers :slight_smile:

I’d love to crack open your materials. Any there is somewhere I can download any of your trees?

Lord of aesthetics.

I’d love to see full scale resolution screenshots. Not to discredit any of fine work, sir. But lots of things look good when you scale the image down. I just want to see it in raw form.

Hello , my name is Diego Ruiz Diaz, I’m a 3d artist and I have many years working in area, recently with much effort I made a small company with some friends and we met a person who wanted to take advantage of what we did, since he had no any knowledge in the 3D area and he wanted to sell our services on behalf of himself and his company, Fortunately we realized on time and cut all contact.

The seriousness of matter is that person two months later uploaded a demo reel with material not only from great artists but also from great human beings as and EU4 Arch community.
We deeply regret matter, as it affects us all as artists, as Colombians and Latin Americans; It is inconceivable that today things like are still happening. We’ve had to work hard for many years to tolerate type of fraudulent activities that generates distrust in media, specially one like ours wich customers are still beggining to know.

Once again we regret kind of behaviour, but we feel compeled to denounce what for many of us it’s completly unnaceptable.

Hey !

Here’s a new scene inspired by the Educational Centre in El Chaparral (Alejandro Muñoz Miranda).
The fun part is that the doors and walls have no diffuse map, just a white value, all the colors come from the lighting.

[video]UE4 - Colors - YouTube

https://c1.staticflickr/1/525/18559943685_4f6b3aa5a8_z.jpgUE4 - Colors by , sur Flickr

As always - top notch! :slight_smile:

, you’re are a big inspiration for me, working in UE4. Thanks for sharing!

Thx :slight_smile:

Just for fun : same scene, different lighting … much less colorful :slight_smile:

https://c1.staticflickr/9/8874/18611386822_8be6c10001_z.jpgUE4 - 'no’Colors by , sur Flickr

Man that is fantastic…
Do you first setup the lighting and then do the materials or the other way around? What is your pipeline? Because I always fall into doubt of is my lighting wrong or material/texture brightness.

Demands the latest BaseLightmass.ini settings :eek:

Do you first setup the lighting and then do the materials or the other way around? What is your pipeline?

The first thing I do is to disable the auto exposure (in the postprocess volume I set min and brightness to 1 and the bias to 0).
Then I apply some very simples material (with just a color and roughness value) that roughly corespond to what I wanna do, and then I do the lighting.
But It’s just a base, after that I do a lot of tweaks/tests with the materials and lighting.

And a little something I’m working on : try to have a good lighting quality in exterior and interior at the same time (and without direct lights).

Hey that’s cool looking.
Are you turning up the global illumination percentage using box triggers?

as always ! Keep up the great work!

That absolutely photographic indirect lighting quality so makes me want to ditch realtime GI and go back to static lighting… Epic needs to do more than give you a : they need to put you on staff to make these results the standard out of the box for us mere mortals :wink:

Looking forward to all you do!

Soooo…just out of curiosity…how did you achieve that gif without dynamic exposure?^^ The indoor room looks almost black when you see it from the outside, so to make it look bright when you are in it you have to adjust the exposure. At least thats my experience^^

But anyways… great as always man! :slight_smile:

yeah, for an interior/exterior scene you need dynamic exposure^^ (I used 2 postprocess volume with different exposure bias for the gif, but it looks bad. With some tweak to the dynamic exposure, I have a smoother transition between interior and exterior).