's stuff

as usual, now I really want a tutorial with your workflow ! :slight_smile:

Je ne m’en lasse pas, bravo :stuck_out_tongue:

I wish that too

Sincerely achieving such realistic results on a realtime engine is absolutely extraterrestrial !
You said that to get ride of all artifacts on DFGI you increase the global lighting quality… How do you do that ?

Work ! Can we get a closer look at the graphs and how you created normal map for the ground ? i cant find anything with such high quality results.
Thank you.

He is using tessellation aswell with height map, thats where most bumpines come from.

What would be the absolute best light model to use for a project where the camera is going to be in large exterior environment and also interior building environments? I want good interior rendering too. Will have movable objects and day/ night cycle. is for archviz.


There is not optimal solution for you, with movable objects and day night cycle you need dynamic lighting but at the moment there is no real good dynamic GI in UE4, you could try nvidias VXGI, will probably give best results for you.

All I can think of is the snow scene from the Shinning! Hahahahaha Great work.

is going to be extremely hard to get a high quality viz with all that. You should ditch the day/night cycle for a nice static and more realistic G.I
You can make a day and a night version and both are going to look much more real than what you would get in full dynamic mode.


The thing is I have been messing with so many settings in my project everything is jacked up. I deleted the day/ night cycle, custom sky sphere, Skylight and Atmospheric fog. Put in the BP sphere that came with UE4 linked up the newly added stationary directional light, added all the other lighting components and now after I build the scene, my foliage on my landscape is not casting shadow, I am getting big nasty dark areas on some of my static meshes…Ugh.

Hi guyz !

Here’s a really quick scene for testing new 4.9 features : Ambient Occlusion Material Mask and Area shadows for stationary lights (and practicing with substance designer).

https://farm1.staticflickr/617/20274000424_717090535a_z.jpgUE 4.9 quick test by , sur Flickr

Incredible work !!! Impressive!!!


^ Way to ruin someone’s work…

Love the floor .

Eh? That’s the highest compliment I can give. I’m a fan.

As usual absolutely insane stuff from .

Do you have to use static lighting to have access to the ambient occlusion masking? I assume so, but it would be pretty neat in dynamically lit games as well.

Again I’m 'ed.
Nice work.

is madness ! nice !
Jolie rendu (=

Hey !

With the “new” DOF features, what do you think about remaking the stair scene with the rain?