RunUAT command fails for UE 4.27 and PS4 build

Hello I am trying to build Unreal Engine from source I m using UE4.27.
Seems to be building fine for Win64. But when comes to PS4, it is throwing lot of warning as errors and fails. I am not sure how to suppress them. Here is the command:

RunUAT.bat BuildGraph -target="Make Installed Build Win64" -script=Engine/Build/InstalledEngineBuild.xml -VS2019 -Resume -set:WithWin64=true -set:WithWin32=false -set:WithMac=false -set:WithAndroid=true -set:WithIOS=false -set:WithTVOS=false -set:WithLinux=false -set:WithLinuxAArch64=false -set:WithPS4=true -set:WithXboxOne=true -set:WithLumin=false -set:WithLuminMac=false -set:WithHololens=false

I have installed PS4 SDK 9.508.001 and trying to use -VS2019.
Here is some of the errors. I get a lot of these errors and eventually the build fails.

** For UE4Game-PS4-Shipping + UE4Game-PS4-Shipping
  In file included from D:\UE4.27\depot\MCT\UnrealEngine4\4.27\EA\Engine\Intermediate\Build\PS4\UE4\Shipping\Engine\Module.Engine.49_of_50.cpp:2:
  In file included from D:/UE4.27/depot/MCT/UnrealEngine4/4.27/EA/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/VectorFieldVisualization.cpp:16:
  In file included from D:\UE4.27\depot\MCT\UnrealEngine4\4.27\EA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Public\MeshMaterialShader.h:14:
  D:\UE4.27\depot\MCT\UnrealEngine4\4.27\EA\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Public/MeshDrawShaderBindings.h(190,9): error: variable 'bFoundParameter' set but not used [-Werror,-Wunused-but-set-variable]
                          bool bFoundParameter = false;
  In file included from D:\UE4.27\depot\MCT\UnrealEngine4\4.27\EA\Engine\Intermediate\Build\PS4\UE4\Shipping\Engine\Module.Engine.49_of_50.cpp:36:
  D:/UE4.27/depot/MCT/UnrealEngine4/4.27/EA/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/VT/VirtualTextureTranscodeCache.cpp(132,10): error: variable 'bResult' set but not used [-Werror,-Wunused-but-set-variable]
                                  bool bResult = false;
  2 errors generated.
BUILD FAILED:  failed, retries not enabled:
AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1 (Error_Unknown)

Anyone encountered this issue before. Please let me know. this seems to hold off my build. thanks

Are you just using normal 4.27? The errors just look like those caused by a newer clang version than what is supported.
For console you should be using 4.27-plus branch. The normal branch doesn’t get updated to the newer SDKs. If you grab the latest associated PS4 files then SDK 10 up to 10.008.011 should work. If you want to use the SDK you have I think you need the PS4 files before September last year.
If you don’t want to switch branch then you may be able to get away with just adding the extra compile flags to PS4ToolChain.cs to nobble the warnings, but there may be other changes associated with that SDK - so I wouldn’t recommend it unless you know what parts may be impacted.

Hi David
THanks for responding. I did not see the message in time. I was able to compile by disabling the warning in PS4ToolChain.cs file. Thanks