Runtime Virtual Texture work flow improvement suggestions

RVT and VHM are really good tools for terrain effects, but let’s admit it, it’s work flow is…troublesome.

Here’re some suggestions to make it less pain to working with:

  1. RVT Volumes should be able to set “virtual texture” manually in Blueprint.
  2. RVT can have an “additive” capture mode, just like render target. So we can “paint” trails on it.
  3. RVT should implement “channel mode” instead of material and height mode, let user choose what type and how many channel an RVT texture should have.
  4. If the last one is too difficult, then just combine BaseColor,Spec… with World Height channel, so we don’t have to create multiple sets of RVT volumes to make effect like displacement.
  5. VHM should be able to set “virtual texture volume” in Blueprint.
  6. VHM should recogonize RVT COMPONENTs, not only RVT ACTORs.

With these doors opened, RVT will be much easier to work with, we can even make RVT management tools in Blueprints.

If anyone have other suggetions to improve RVT work flow, welcome to post here.
And if my understandings are wrong, please correct me with no mercy.

Keep up the epic job Epic Team !!!

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