Runtime virtual texture sets landscape to lower mip

Are you still getting the blurry mip issues though? I’ve had a non-VT texture based RVT material and has been unforgivingly blurry ever since UE5 came out.

We also have issues with VT in our scene. We are heavily using Quixel Megascans and texture loading in Stand Alone is very slow. If I use the non vt shader, the loading is much faster and almost immediately. Probably for now we are avoiding using VT.

Trying to solve this exact issue right now…

Same issue with a landscape rendering into a volume then sampling back the RVT.
But this solution worked for me in the ElectricDreams demo project. The double DXT5 pool entry isn’t configured. I edited the project’s \Config\DefaultEngine.ini with a new entry.
Then you still need to ensure there are no virtual texture samples rendering into the runtime texture output from your material as that seems broken.



If your using the YCoCg Base colour with the extra mask, it uses a separate pool than the double DXT5.
So add another Formats line for PF_DXT5,PF_BC5,PF_DXT5 else it will use defaults too.


This is the solution here, finally after all this time it was the pool sizes. RVT is actually feasible again in UE5 with this config, much appreciated!



  • Simplify the shader and terrain.
  • Reduce the resolution of the virtual texture. Reduce the Virtual Texture Tile Size first.
  • Use baked Streaming texture. The higher the resolution of this texture, the better. Of course, this texture will take up video memory.
  • Check texture pool size.

This seems to have fixed it for me as well, using the original fix and the addition mentioned. Thank you both from the bottom of my heart, I was going insane!!!

Please guys I’m struggling with the same issue since months, can I get the solution along with some screenshots explaining the settings…Thanks in Advance.

This is the post up-above that described the solution: Runtime virtual texture sets landscape to lower mip - #57 by cannasoftware


Use the following console command to show the pools around residency:
r.VT.Residency.Show 1

You should see some graphs like such (you do this whilst running, not in editor):

The line tracks consumption, starts at the bottom and rises as pages/resources are consumed from a given pool. If the red-line reaches the top you are consuming all the resources in that pool and need more (you’re bottoming-out).

In your ‘C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Config\BaseEngine.ini’ file, locate a section like this:

; Configure VT physical memory pools. Usefull commands to set these
; “stat virtualtexturing” show dynamic use of the VT system including the cache loads
; “r.VT.ListPhysicalPool” list in-depth details on the allocated physical pools
; The upper allocation limit for a pool is caluclated by matching a size and format from the list below or falling back to the default
+Pools=(SizeInMegabyte=96, MinTileSize=0, MaxTileSize=9999, Formats=(PF_DXT1, PF_DXT5))
+Pools=(SizeInMegabyte=512, MinTileSize=0, MaxTileSize=9999, Formats=(PF_A32B32G32R32F))
+Pools=(SizeInMegabyte=128, MinTileSize=0, MaxTileSize=9999, Formats=(PF_DXT5, PF_DXT5))

Add/futz-with the values for the pool that is bottoming-out. Test, repeat.

I have some issue, randomly turn my landscape into grey color or low res.
Can fix this issue by clicking "

SetBounds" in my RuntimeVirtualTExtureVolume actor in the level. Try play standalone got no issue.

This is what i get… constant blurring when moving the camera and backing up…

What should my settings be? Nothing i do seems to work. I am using the YCoCg Base Color, Normal, Specular, Mask

Documentation says BC3 + BC5 + BC3

though when i run this command to check it looks like DXT5, BC5, DXT5 is way over… not sure what to do about it.