Runtime virtual texture: failing to compile for cooked win64 build


If I make a simple runtime virtual texture material for a landscape in a World Comp level, cook for PC and run the game, I get the following error:

LogPlayLevel: Warning: [2019.09.26-02.07.45:522][ 0]LogMaterial: Warning: GetIndexedTexture returning NULL (0)
LogPlayLevel: Warning: [2019.09.26-02.07.45:872][ 5]LogMaterial: Warning: /Game/Maps/TestMaps/WorldCompTests/TerrainHoudiniOut/TerrainHoudiniOut_x4_y4.TerrainHoudiniOut_x4_y4:PersistentLevel.LandscapeStreamingProxy_0.LandscapeMaterialInstanceConstant_70: Failed to compile Material Instance with Base M_BaseTerrain for platform PCD3D_SM5, Default Material wil
l be used in game.

Works fine in the viewport and PIE, but when I go look at the shader code for the DX SM5 for High Quality in the material editor, it doesn’t seem to try to compile anything (all the shaders are blank, no errors).
For DX SM5 Medium Quality, there is hlsl code output.
Not sure if that’s related, but seems suspicious.




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