Runtime Virtual Texture and World Position Offset

Maybe someone can help me.
I implemented CDLOD within a Material to render a Planet. Now the Problem is that i used RenderTargets for the heightmap. but the resolution limit leads to bad quality terrain. Now i read about RVT which should be able to do the same.

Now i want to render the Heightmap to a RVT.
Can someone give me a hint how to do it? I think the problem is that i use CDLOD that changes the shape of the base plane to form a sphere via WPO.

Ok, now i found a way to render the Heightmap with a RVT but, the performance is horrible when i am close to the Planet.

Here you can see the Heightmap on he Planet in the Red Color ^^
I just create the top face of the Planet for testing.

at this distance i get >120 fps but when i get closer the frames drop to 30 ish :confused:
can someone give me a hint why?

found the issue. i called the draw function every frame that caused the frame drops.

how can i get around this? because i need to update the instanced static mesh component from time to time. so the RVT draw function is recalled every time i do that :frowning:

So now i found a better way to create the Heightmaps with RenderTargets. It’s so fast that i don’t need to reduce that size of the Tiles of my Planet generator. If you need a good example for Computeshaders check this great examples:

[Simple compute shader with CPU readback | Community tutorial]