I know that UE has a Collision Presets System. But i need to extend it. Besides “Object Type” and “Collision Responses” i want to add special “layer” index. When the system performs “Overlap” and “Hit” functions, it shoud check a special interface and compare indices. If indices are equal than continue executing, else break it.
I know objects can ignore some actors, and adding ignoring actors by special index shouldn’t be hard, but i cant find the function that i should override.
To do this, we need to create a child classes from Box, Capsule and Sphere components, and override Primitive Component funcs:
virtual bool MoveComponentImpl
virtual bool UpdateOverlapsImpl
and also replace:
FORCEINLINE_DEBUGGABLE static bool CanComponentsGenerateOverlap
static bool ShouldIgnoreHitResult
static FORCEINLINE_DEBUGGABLE bool ShouldIgnoreOverlapResult