Running in crouch state after zoomout

Hello everyone :slight_smile: This is my first post here and ı need your help. Problem is : When character zooms in while running speed set’s to 150 after zoom out it goes to 650. While crouching and zooming in speed sets to 150 like it should be BUT after zoom out in crouching speed sets 650 again. Character runs like a duck! Problem is in the zoomİn/ZoomOut Blueprint.

İn this condition ı can run while crouching. I tried to branch between B and Reverse but didn’t work, cam didn’t zoom back. ı need to do something between B and reverse :frowning:

Hi, when you zoom out, then were you change the MaxWalkSpeed check whether or not the character is crouching and set the speed based on that.

When character zooms in while running
speed set’s to 150 after zoom out it
goes to 650

Where you have that logic, so where you set the speed to 650, you can check whether or not the character is crouching and if it is crouching, then don’t set the speed to 650 but to the speed you want to have for crouching.

This is my crouch blueprint, if ı unbound it ı can’t crouch but ı can slow down while aiming down. Like ı said problem is in crouch state after zoomout speed goes 650.

This is Actual AimDown blueprint. if ı break link of crouch everything is okay except ı can’t crouch.