Running EOSPlus with Epic and Steam crossplay fails ReadFriendsList function.

Hey guys, I managed to get a functioning EOS test game running. There is however one small problem, when running EOSPlus with the intent of crossplay between Epic and Steam the ReadFriendsList function fails with bWasSuccessful being 0. I have managed to find the “problem”, turning the following settings OFF fixes it, but this also disables the Epic Social Panel. Wh
Like I said that seems to fix it, as I have set up some basic logging and with those settings disabled it returns all the usernames of my friends (on steam only). Here is the piece of code responsable for getting the friendslist, if thats any help.

I think, for some reason Epic doesn’t find any friends online so it returns as 0? Because when opening the epic social panel this is what I see (friendslist empty?):

But, on the epic games launcher, this is what I see (friends show up like they should):

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I’m pretty sure I did something wrong as I see no reason for that to be the reason for it failing. But it’s also possible it’s a bug ofcourse. Also sorry if this post is very unclear its my first post on the forums :slight_smile:

I believe that your epic friends will only be friends who have played the game you’re developing, you don’t get your entire epic list.

Did you find a solution?