I tried that… it didnt work. It just loops never setting the BB key
The EQS is simple… find CharHeroBP (which would be me the player… so im definitely in there to be found. I set it to 6000 … should find me when im like next to the AI.
Yes. Thats right.
Well it says invalid. Its the Vector key called Target. I tried it with the object key as well called Player and it also doesn’t set it.
oh, i actually didnt see it was selected on the dropdown. my guess is that its running the EQS and getting stuck cause theres no value and its not resetting.
i would use a setup like this, this way, the EQS will run as service and autoupdate, pretty much like running it in parallel. not sure how much it affects on perfomance tho.
Yea that was my mistake in taking the screenshot. It wasnt move to player when i was testing. I was just trying to set it to either key in case the EQS finding a class needed an object to be set to (it doesnt on previous versions). I forgot to revert that back before taking the screenshot. Sides then the move to would fail but not the setting of the key which never happens.
I literally copied this set up from my previous project where it still works in 4.8.
Its not getting stuck. Its just failing. I put the wait in front of the EQS query and it waits runs the query and then waits again…never setting the BB key. Either the key is never gettting set or the EQS is never being run. If its the latter, setting it up as a service would have the same problem technically if the issue is with the EQS… but ill try it.
I’m not using the EQS pawn. I have a charEnemyBP in the map that spawns which is running this tree.
Its got a navmesh set up. it should be able to move around ok.
I tried putting a targetpoint and changing the EQS to look for TP actors instead… same results.
Still no luck with this.
The other logic is
Player Set do x
DynamicTargetSet do y
this… if DynamicTarget is not set… then set player
Dynamic Target only gets set from the pawn itself from PawnSensing… sight or hearing… none of that is added to the enemy yet so its not interfering. I did remove the other logic tho and tried running this direct. Same results.
Using the tree i put at the beginning it does what you want it to do…and the EQS testing pawn should tell you if you are doing the query correctly. my query is on the screenie, if needed. Also, i got a similar tree that might be useful, but its a little more complicated. Red Text summaries what it does. I do extensive use of observers to work as switches.
master branch, but i doubt thats the issue. needless to say but are you executing Run Behavior Tree on the AI Controller? also, is the AI Controller set on the AI Pawn?
its gotta be a bug… i just tried the exact same setup on 4.8 and it works right away. But i cant believe no one has come across this in 4.11, its a big deal if its a bug… so i donno.
Yes I tried both custom aicontroller that runs the BT and BB. I also tried standard AI controller. I tried spawning the AIclass with the BT set from the levelBP and I tried manually placing the actor in.
maybe its the way they changed it on 4.11. when i asked somebody from the Staff about the EQS pawn NOT showing any data on a Query without tests he said it was working as expected. im guessing that on 4.11, test-less Queries doesnt work anymore. i replicated your same example on my end, and it indeed doesnt works if you dont add any kind of test.
ADDED: To avoid confusion, the TargetPoint is on the same place where you added it, so he indeed moved after adding the Trace on visibility test