"Run as dedicated server" checkbox removed?

my game should run with an dedicated server at the end. So i want to test it when playing im editor with an dedicated server. I know there was a “run as dedicated server” checkbox in the play dropdown. But im missing it and theres no option in the project setting either. I googled it but i didnt found results. Where is that option? I read the “setting up a dedicated server” docs but it is aimed at build and packaging.
Or does the “play as client” option provide this feature? Thought it is also listen server and client model.

Same problem…

I tested it, there’s a node called is dedicated server? And if I run as client it answers with yes. So I think play as client includes that the server is dedicated.

I have running dedicated server… and Option " Play as Listen Server" looks similary to my dedicated server…

When you use Play as Client it will spawn a dedicated server in the background for you.

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