Hello everyone
just a quick question regarding servers.
we have dedicated servers for our game,
but we want to give the players an option to play alone
but we wont just launch a server for one player
we want him to play locally ( think of it as a practice mode ).
how do i do that ?
if i just open the map , a lot of logic wont run , even in editor standalone mode a lot of logic wont run
is there a way to select the NetMode in blueprints to client
or a method to run a server instance locally from blueprint and then use open to connect to it
i want the player to play locally just like we play using netmode client
anyone has any suggestions ?
It would indeed be interesting to know what is the best practice to run a local server along a UE game.
- Best way to launch
- Best way to communicate
- Consoles compatibility (PS/Xbox/Switch)
In your game instance, you could make a bool that defines whether or not the player is connected to a server, then in your game mode where I assume much of your net code is you could use that bool to either execute functions on the server or on the client