RTS Toolkit

Good to hear, also I have to admit, I axidently used 4.8 Preview. Under 4.7 the units don’t get stuck so far. And once more: Great work :slight_smile:

Ah I have yet to play around with the 4.8 preview. I’m waiting until it’s considered stable since I know how many problems I had with the 4.7 preview. But I’m glad to hear you aren’t having that problem with the 4.7 version! As soon as the 4.8 is officially out, I will update the Toolkit for 4.8!

where download sample code?

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Hi, I recently bought the toolkit and it seams that you can’t spawn the Base on a Land Scape or Static Mesh?

I’m noticing the same issue with spawning a base on a landscape - is there any solution for this?

Roy & CruxOp - If you email me I can get into more depth with trying to troubleshoot the problem. Really sorry for getting back so late! I’m much quicker with emails. I think what the problem is has to do with the spawn height/angle OR the collision on your landscape mesh.
If it’s the spawn height or angle it’s simply a matter of either changing the in world height of your landscape mesh to be < 10000 & > -10000. Alternatively you can change the min and max ranges for that. These would be located in the structure template’s blueprint. The second half of this problem would be the spawn angle. If you’re trying to place an structure on hills and valleys you will find some trouble unless you change a setting in the structure template blueprint. When checking if placement is OK, the function will return false if the angle is greater than a certain amount. For demo purposes this is perfect but I know that developers would certainly want to have diversity to the angle of their maps. I detail exactly how to change this in the documentation.
As for the second possibility, it’s much more simple. If your landscape mesh doesn’t have visibility and collision setup properly the trace for setting a structure will not register your landscape. I’m assuming this is not the case (as you’d probably have figured that out by now) but I like to include that as some users have solved this problem by fixing either visibility or collision of the landscape mesh.

This is some great stuff and all, Thokash… but the link in the OP has unfortunately died so I’m not able to download it and dig through it to see how you did everything. Of course I’d love to make my own, but the easiest way for me to do that would be to download yours and learn how you did each of the features.

edit— wait, is this a paid thing? if so… ****.

You are in the marketplace forums section :slight_smile: So all threads you find here are about paid assets/packages.

This has been updated for the newest release of UE4 (4.9)!

Awesome! I just downloaded the 4.9 version. Are there update notes on this anywhere? It seems like it requires another plugin now.

Also, I noticed you have grid based movement in your video but the units in the project I created from it don’t seem to move that way and actually kind of run towards each other and get bounced away.

Just realized it’s only the soldiers that move in groups. I still have a bit of a problem with units knocking each other away tho. Pretty cool project though.

Heoki - Thank you! There is documentation for the project. There weren’t really any updates other than adding an “IsValid” check to a few blueprint areas and changing the mannequin. It’s been a pretty smooth transition. I’ll add that along with the changes to the default mesh to the documentation, thanks for reminding me! You can find a download link for the documentation in the description either at the link below or on the Marketplace page for the toolkit. If you email me I can also send you the documentation in an attachment.
As for the movement, I did actually notice that. In 4.6-4.8 they seemed to navigate really well but in 4.9 they do bump quite a bit. I don’t think that’s due to any nav changes. I think it might actually be the collision on the new mannequin. I’ll take a look and see if I can’t give them a more fluid movement by changing some collision settings around.

I’m interested in getting the toolkit, but my project is in 4.10. Are you going to have an update soon?

GameMaster79 - I certainly am. It should be up this week (maybe next due to the holiday).

Also, just realized this today, the RTS Toolkit’s folder structure is being used as a an example of awesome folder structure in the Marketplace submission guidelines!
Pretty exciting day.

I just want to let everyone know that I have submitted the 4.10 update. Just waiting on the update to be posted to Marketplace now. Anyone who wants to convert the 4.9 version to 4.10 should run into no errors. Nothing should need to be changed. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email!

Here’s some feedback I had (and someone pointed me at this thread, because I didn’t find it when searching):

I couldn’t find a thread for this product, so here goes.

Now, it’s $20. Two lunches. Not the end of the world. But this doesn’t really solve, or show solutions for, any of the things I wanted a head start on.

This toolkit has a number of shortcomings.

The biggest shortcoming is that it has no networking support. Networking is the #1 problem to solve in an RTS game. Without networking, it’s nowhere near a “complete” toolkit.

The second big shortcoming is that it puts a bunch of logic in the level blueprint. That is not the place to put it. Logic should go in your regular blueprints, such as game mode, game state, player pawn, and such. Level blueprints have all kinds of shortcomings, the biggest of which is that, if you change a rule, you have to update ALL of your level blueprints.

Smaller annoyances include not scrolling when the cursor reaches the edge of the window. I have to click the minimap to scroll the viewport. That’s pretty bad for any kind of RTS; pushing against the edge of the screen to scroll is RTS UI 101 and should be part of any “complete toolkit” for an RTS.

Another fun bug: When I “spawn workers” and they are close to each other, they will go flying 20 meters into the air. (One worker was harvesting right where the next worker was spawning)

More bugs:

  • If I click “spawn soldiers” five times in a row, once the timeout is reach for building the first soldier, a group of 5 soldiers appears.
  • The minimap doesn’t actually render my entities or the geometry of the level; it’s just a gray square. (4.11, GeForce GTX 980, Windows 10)
  • The minimap-to-world translation of coordinates doesn’t use the correct geometry pipeline, so the initial player spawn must be constrained to a particular orientation to work right.
  • If I press alt-enter while playing a stand-alone game (which full-screens the window) and then click the minimap, the camera pans to some area that’s totally black, and I can’t get back to view the actual game area.

The “fog of war” system doesn’t retain resource meshes that I have previously seen. Typically, when exploring, the fog lifts for things I can see, and then whatever I last saw before I lose sight, is what the map still shows me (except perhaps for movable units.) This is not so much a “bug” as an “unexpected shortcoming of what’s billed as a complete toolkit.”
Also, a typical “fog of war” will paint all the visibility spheres into a single texture, which it will then use to modulate all the graphics that get drawn for opponent units. This is a lot more efficient than what this starter kit does.

Basic RTS camera and controls:
The Mouse does not move the camera (you have to use the AWSD)

Traditional RTS unit selection:
you can not select just 1 unit (seems traditional)
you always select group of 4 units
when you select the units most of the times they 1 or 2 start running towards the enemy without any reason.

Marquee (click and drag) selection:
Does not work.

AI commands including movement:
Units constantly get stuck on the resources on the map.

A robust collection of UI/HUD components for every selected unit :
Where ?

Traditional RTS Minimap system that relays cursor position to world position:
Gray Square without any functionality on the map.

Traditional RTS “Fog of War” system:
buggy, does not retain any information of the map, and if you go around with the mouse you can detect resources and enemy’s.

Simple Bot AI built into Level Blueprints:
enemy’s shoot you once and start running like headless chickens on the map.

This toolkit is outdated as of 4.15, and a wasted my money.

this is a summary of the problems I found on this kit.

Hi SiulX,

I’d be happy to issue a refund. In fact it would be only my SECOND requested refund out of the almost ONE THOUSAND units sold of the RTS Toolkit (or my other products).

So this has almost 1,000 units sold, I’ve given away hundreds of copies to users for free, and it’s been downloaded on a prominent torrent site almost 700 times (as of last time I checked). Taking all of this into consideration I’d also like to point out that the reviews for this are pretty good. I’ve had several hundred emails and comments since I released this telling me how great it is (even though I think it’s not the best thing I’ve ever created and there’s quite a bit I’d do different a second time around). For all of those positive reviews I’ve had maybe 10-15 people ever complain via email or comment. Let’s not forget just the one refund request (which was only because the user was unable to get it to download to her copy of UE4 for whatever reason).

I’ll take your criticism into consideration but you’re in a less-than-single-digit minority here. The following is my response to your response:

Basic RTS camera and controls:
The Mouse does not move the camera (you have to use the AWSD)
Correct. This has been a requested feature but I created this toolkit more to help people learn Unreal. If you’d have bothered to read the 20+ page documentation you probably would’ve picked that up. You also would’ve noticed that I have an entire page dedicated to teaching you how you’d go about implementing edge-scrolling. I could actually tell you in a few sentences but I like to teach and explain thoroughly. In fact, for the first year after this was released I spent almost all of my free time responding to emails with requests for how to do X or Y with my kit (or Unreal in general).

Traditional RTS unit selection:
you can not select just 1 unit (seems traditional)
you always select group of 4 units
when you select the units most of the times they 1 or 2 start running towards the enemy without any reason.

False. There are two types of units and two types of structures. For the worker unit and the two structures there is single selection with a CTRL+Click selection addition. The soldier units are grouped in fours because I wanted to provide an example of how you might implement a group of soldiers. I go over several alternative methods on how to do this in the documentation. I also go over how to change the soldier selection to single unit selection thoroughly in my documentation.
And yes, multiple unit selection is pretty traditional. Have you ever played Civilizations? Are you able to select a single musketman? I don’t believe you can (unless 3 of them have died, leaving you with just 1).

Marquee (click and drag) selection:
Does not work.
Yes, it does. This is the first thing I read when I saw your comment and I immediately went to test out in 4.15 and 4.16. Works perfectly.

AI commands including movement:
Units constantly get stuck on the resources on the map.
If you give a hundred answers you’re bound to get at least one correct.
Yes, ever since 4.10 or 4.9, whenever the mannequin changed, the collision hasn’t been fantastic. I’ve tried a few methods to make this more smooth. But you’re inaccurate in saying “constantly.” Even if it were constantly, are you planning on using the UE4 mannequin and starter content bushes in your final production? Probably not. If you still have issues with collision after you create your own skeletal meshes then create your own AI navigation system because the RTS Toolkit is using UE4 default navigation.

A robust collection of UI/HUD components for every selected unit :
Where ?
Back when this was released (over 2 years ago) UE4 was pretty new. The Marketplace had maybe 4 or 5 blueprint products available. Compared to most everything out this had a decent amount of UI for a blueprints project. The functionality of the UI is the important aspect. The generic buttons are generic for a reason. This was a teaching tool to be potentially used as a template. Part of what I liked about this is that it used exactly 0 imported assets - so no art for UI. If you’re looking for “robust collection” of UI art you won’t find it. If you’re looking for a “robust collection” of UI programming then you’ll find it. I discuss all this at great length in my documentation.

Traditional RTS Minimap system that relays cursor position to world position:
Gray Square without any functionality on the map.
See: “Generic buttons are generic for a reason” above. Gray - yes. I go over how to import your own assets for map image (once again) at great length in the documentation.
As for the functionality, I just tested that, too, and it works perfectly.

Traditional RTS “Fog of War” system:
buggy, does not retain any information of the map, and if you go around with the mouse you can detect resources and enemy’s.
A little odd? I believe so. Of all the emails I got asking for how to do X or Y the most - by far - was how to remove FoW. This is as good as I think is possible in UE4 for a variable amount of units. I’ve seen some pretty **** good FoW for UE4 but none of them work with a variable number of units. I developed one that was actually perfect - worked exactly how FoW should using a pretty complex light function material. Unfortunately I couldn’t store an array inside the light function material. It might still be possible to use this for a variable number of units but I haven’t had time to test out my thoughts.
The mouse won’t detect resources or enemies* in the FoW (unless they are right on the edge of visible area). The mouse selection uses a visibility trace. What you’re saying is not possible - even so, I just tested and it works fine.

Simple Bot AI built into Level Blueprints:
enemy’s shoot you once and start running like headless chickens on the map.
When you come within a certain range of an enemy AI (soldier units, the enemy workers just continue working) they will see you, get within range, and then attack you. They chase you until one of you dies. Sounds pretty simple to me. Which, to be fair, I did say. “SIMPLE Bot AI…” Also, headless chickens don’t give chase. I’d like to say I just tested that one but it’s purely an educated assumption.

So, if you want to give that documentation a read (assuming it’s not too long for your taste) please do so. And if you still feel like it’s a waste of money, please email me and request a refund. I’ll be happy to oblige. I can live with 998/1000.

Thank you and have a nice day my man.

Hi! What’s price of it? Can it be used for commercial purposes if attained?