RTS Camera / Top-Down Camera System

Hello, I finally released my RTS Camera System.

The main feature is pixel-perfect detection when your cursor is on the edge of the game’s window. This allows for a very nice experience when moving the camera by pushing the mouse against the edge of the screen.

It also has other features common to RTS Games:

  • Scroll to Zoom
  • Rotate View
  • Use Keyboard to control Camera
  • Jump to specific location
  • Follow an Actor / Lock on to an actor.
  • Restrict the Camera to a specified area, either Rectangular or Circular (so player cannot escape the map)
  • Set up Player Start Locations per-map
  • Smooth Camera Acceleration

The Lock-On / Follow Actor feature disables moving the camera, but still allows zooming and rotating.

The core of the plugin is C++, but you can change settings and enable / disable features by overriding variables in blueprint.

The Demo Level has two overlays: One which allows you to tweak settings at runtime, and one which shows the controls for the demo map. Just click the buttons in the corners open each overlay

Demo: Dropbox - BetterRTSCam_Demo.zip - Simplify your life

Feedback and Suggestions are welcome :smiley: