RPG game developement

EDIT: We are now more than 10 in the team, thanks for those who applied to be part of the team! Places are still available though :slight_smile:


i m looking for a team to be able to develop a dark sci-fi RPG game in third person with game mechanics similar to DMC, Dark souls and Bloodborne. Anyone with great skills or as a beginner is accepted!
Everyone in the team is capable of giving ideas of what they think will be useful for the game. We are in need of serious people to work with.

Is this a paid job?

This is a Royalty project which means the game will be showcased in kickstarter and then the members of the team will be able to be funded, then it will be released on steam and every member receives certain % of the sales revenue :slight_smile:

Team Structure:

Max as the Programmer
Bernhard as the Programmer
Me as 3d artist
Noel as 3d artist
as 3d artist
Povilas as 3d artist
Ryan as sfx artist
Nikita as sfx artist
Max schuler as vfx artist

Talent Required:

**3D Environnement Artist **

**3D Character Artist **

3D Animator/Rigger

Programmers with c++ or/and blueprints needed!

VFX artist

SFX artist

UI Designers

  • We need UI designers that know how to work with UMG and are able to work closely with our concept artists.

What we offer:
Shown in credits on websites, in-game and more
You’ll be an integral part of a small, talented team of developers
Royalties (% from future revenues)
Work from home! :slight_smile:

General Requirements:
From all the positions below you need the following general requirements to be part of the team.
High interest in the game
Interest in learning UE4 . It’s amazingly easy to learn, and it’s free-to-use.
Having time to actually work on this project.
Must be at least 18 years old.
Good english communication

**Contact: **

or PM me if possible


Programmer place taken, now looking for 3d artists willing to participate!

still looking for more :slight_smile:

Concept artist are also needed!
Looking forward for your messages :slight_smile:

You should read the rules on posting a recruitment thread because your thread doe snot have any information. I am surprised you found anyone with what your thread showcased.

is it now better? :slight_smile: i have now updated the thread!

Great man! We have an MMORPG in the works, maybe you guys could give me a call on Skype we may have similar interest.

thanks for the offer but we are planning to create our own with our concept and it s not a multiplayer game for now :slight_smile:

Hi Jenny

im looking for a new project to join, i can do VFX and 3d environment

email me! :slight_smile:

thanks to those who applied, i will be awaiting more :slight_smile:

I send you an email

i have already replied :slight_smile:

We are in need for more 3d artists and UI designers!

thanks :slight_smile:

Wanted to ask if you have any website or screenshots\artwork so that we could understand more what kind of project this is?

If you need someone to help with Blueprints, I might be intersted. I’ve created a template for an Action RPG in Unreal currently being used for my game Amaranthine Story.

And another posting of jenny, who has no clue of game development (see her postings here) …

… but keeps on fishing for people to waste youre time.


I Have Sent You An Email.
You May Have 2 (Im not sure).
If you do please read the second one, it gives more detail.

wow calm down

if you are not interested then just ignore the post like the rest :slight_smile:

Royalty… funny word;

If you have 15 people working, you’ll have to have around 1.2 million dollars upfront a year to pay them.
If you’ll pay them only after the game published, your game must sell 2 million dollars / year to pay them at 5% roys each. Or they won’t be able to cover their yearly bills. If you take 2 years of development, game must generate more than 4 million dollars in sales or nobody will see that 50k/year income.

Now please tell me, which roy based teams these days are making that kind of money selling average quality games?!
I’d like to read about any… Just ask people to join for the fun, game won’t be finished anyway. If finished and published, you won’t be able to pay them anyway.

Making a game and putting 2-3 hours everyday instead of playing a game or doing something else as a hobby is totally ok for everyone. What if you gathered all those 2 hours of your everyday gameplay and say that you’ve putten them to make a game and that game gave you an income? Even if that income was 300 euros the month, wouldn’t you be a winner again?

The point is thinking logical(2-3 hours the day, instead of playing a game), truthfully(you wanna do it right?) and economical(it’s gonna give you an income no matter how big or low).
You just think like companies want you to think. 50k salary and such. LOL In my 8hours job I get 800 euros the month, so any source of income is ok. And everyone who is making a game shows that he is not rich and wants an extra income, so who would say no to even a 300 euros the month?

As simple as that