RPG game developement

EA is not really poor.

EA is not really poor.

Thanks for the info mate, but I was talking about indie’s. My mistake for not clarifying it.

That mindset of “every extra buck is welcome” and the disregarded use of the word “indie” by hobbyists made the real independant studios stop referencing themselves as such. We are already in a level where having the word “indie” attached to anything you do costing you money; video game consumers are looking for studios taking their opinions and tastes serious enough whose they can trust their money for work of quality, anything “indie” related is already reason for many to stay away from your game because they know that mindset you’ve expressed applies. And that is bad for everyone.
If you work unpaid 2~3 hours a day on your game, you’re not an indie, you are a hobbyist. And that’s fine, but people are always, always, pretending they are something they are not.

Most video game consumers are now over 30 years old. Those people are not stupid, they want aggregated value on the products they buy; if you put yourself on the way saying “-I’m just making an extra buck.” like, you just prove them you should be avoided. Why?! You don’t value your own work and the ‘industry’ you’re into, for you their time and money are just an extra buck. That’s the very inverse of the respect which they look for.
Do you really believe they, consumers, would take you serious and respect your work while they see clearly that you don’t?
It’s a whole matter of events that will lead the “indie” environment to lose more and more value along the years due to people naively wasting each-other’s time.

There’s nothing wrong with “-Hey, let’s get together and build a game for learning purposes, or just to have some fun!”
But just don’t pretend you’re something you’re not; respect the players, respect the people you’re recruiting, respect your work and yourself. There’s reasons why a bunch of gamedev communities have banned royalty projects and as soon as this community right here is mature enough, I’m quite sure someday the same is happening.

I’m having a job and I cannot work more that 2-3 hours on the day, that doesn’t make me hobbyist mate. When you want extra money, don’t you take up another 4 hours job? Why would that shoul be different?

Everything is basic logic and you refuse to accept that. Yes many players stay away from indie projects as they are bugged, low in quality,etc but their games are also cheaper :wink: So many can consider this these times we’re living.

Those 30 year old gamers, who you say they play games, they exist but in majority games are being played by 13-25 year old gamers. I don’t want to get in statistics right now, but the point is, you get what you pay. I cannot have more of my free time making my game and enhance it as much as I would love to, so I give you my finished game with lower price. That doesn’t mean you will get the game of bugs or a brainless game…

Just stop preaching the big idea please and I’ll tell you why. In my team I have a 10 years of experience C++ software engineer. You think that he is dump enough and makes a game with me? Or you think you are smarter than him -the 50k salary guy- that you just condemn all of us?

I’m giving my 2 cents here… Over and out because I’m spoiling someone else’s thread.

PS: When you have moments you don’t have anything else to do, you can write click on your desktop and press “Create .txt”, there you can start write diaries of how much you hate royalties and not post them on a royalty project thread.
Just a tip that will make you feel better :wink:

This is not about me; some people don’t care about themselves only, or express opinion only when something directly affect their lives.
Anyway, I don’t hate anything. Hating takes too much effort and energy, I expend mine building things.
I rarely express opinion on this kind of topic because I know reactions get out of control fast, but again, this is a forum. Login into a forum and asking people to keep to themselves point of views you can’t understand yet, or are unwilling to see, is like going into a massive online game and play alone. You don’t need to like or agree with me, experience will tell.

Bruno and Innos you totally hijacked someone else’s thread to get on soapboxes. Shame on the pair of you.

Good luck to the OP - I think its great you get so much help for your project. I am very jealous :slight_smile:

Free bump!