[ROYALTY] Multiplayer FPS Game developed with Marketplace Assets.


  • Over the years, I’ve acquired 1000s of Game Dev Assets from various Marketplaces for many different reasons. Assets of various Function, Gameplay, Aesthetic, and Music Style. However, I have yet to develop and publish a single ‘game’ with these assets.
  1. The Objective is to rapidly develop an Uniquely Artistic Action-packed Multi-perspective Shooter with True First Person as the Primary Camera Perspective intermixing various Aesthetic, Style, and Game Mechanics.

  2. Start with Core Multiplayer FPS & ARPG Mechanics and expand on them in unique ways.


I’ve been inspired to develop this Maze & Monsters Game based on my first experience with 3D Computer Games Development. This is sort of my Dream Game as its game concept that keeps coming back to me no matter how many game ideas I work on.

I’ve been on a lengthy quest to do something interesting with traditional mazes and I’m going to avoid the stereotypical Dungeon style Maze with narrow passages, human scaled rooms/cells.

I intend to develop a unique Maze & Monsters game with modern and innovative features using off-the-shelf Marketplace assets. I’m on multi-tiered mission to prove:

  1. Traditional Mazes can be unique and interesting.
  2. Marketplace Assets can used in rapid production development without Asset Flipping.
  3. I finally published a Game.

I desire Mazes with a scale that Titan-sized Monstrosities and Hordes can exist in and navigate. A scale in which each Maze cell could have its own biome. A scale in which players can build, hunt, defend, survive in. Players can to cooperate or not, Players can choose to solve the over-arching quest to solve the Maze finding its Exit…or not.

Thus, Game Play mechanics are in the works in which I’m combining my favorite mechanics of a First Person Shooter (FPS), Action RPG with a small set of RTS and Survival Mechanics sprinkled in. Monsters and Adversarial Players are obstacles that must be overcome to be successful.

This will be my first entry in the Hyper-cinematic Game Genre. Thus VAPOR is not an FPS or TPS, but what I call a XPS (Extended Perspective Shooter) featuring a Hyper-Cinematic Dynamic Real-time Multi-perspective Camera Subsystem. I show off this innovation in my videos.

The ‘art style’ (toon shading) is my ’ lowest common denominator’ solution to achieve some sort of artistic continuity mixing and matching various asset designs and art styles from Photorealistic to to Anime. BTW, This shading will be optional.

  • Working Title: Project VAPOR (2025)
  • Official Title to be Voted on by Players/Dev Community.
Desired Game Mechanics & Features.
  • As there are many types of Assets that can provide various aesthetic and features. I also anticipate Development Team input on features etc. Herein, I present only a Wishlist of that I personally want to see in the game:
  1. Swappable Player/AI Controlled Friends and Foes
  2. Independent Weapon Targeting and Dual Wielding
  3. Melee with FPS ‘Gun’ beyond Stock Bashing :slight_smile:
  4. Parkour & Acrobatics
  5. Flight
  6. Giant Monsters
  7. Fodder Hordes
  8. Ultratech/Magic
  9. Customization
  10. Destruction & Dismemberment
Team Name
Team Structure
  • Project Coordinator: FirstPersonShooter (FPS2021)
  • 3D Animator: Openings
  • C++ Plugin Programmer: Openings
  • Blueprint Programmer: Openings, Techlord
  • 3D Artist/Kitbasher: Openings, Techlord
  • VFX Materials Designer: Openings
  • Music Composition: Openings
  • Document Writer: Openings
Previous Work
Talent Requirements
  1. Seek to build small team no greater than 8 members. Possessing 2 or more of these Skills is desired.
  2. Work with Existing Assets, Reverse Engineer, Reconfigure, Customize Existing Assets to achieve goal.
  3. Familiar with Google Collaboration Tools: Docs, Slides, etc
  • C++ Plugin Programmer (Note: C++ implementations are in the form of plugins only)
  • Blueprints Programmer
  • 3D Artist/Kitbasher
  • 3D Animator w/ Animation BP Experience
  • VFX Material Designer
  • Music Designer
  • Sound FX Designer
  • Document Writer
  • Profit Split: 10.7% per Co-Developer based on 7 seats. This profit split encompasses ALL profits generated during the life the Game Product to include ALL in-app purchases, DLC purchases, Merchandising Purchases, and Advertisement Revenue.
  • Under Construction
About Me
  • Nicknames: FirstPersonShooter, FPS2021
  • I Love First Person Shooters (and appreciate other Genres such as RPGs, RTS, Racers, and more.)
  • UnrealEngine Blueprints Scripter w/ 6 Years Experience.
  • A Co-Founder of HeadlessStudios.com who went Rogue.
Integrating Action RPG Inventory System Into FPS Multiplayer Template

Using FPSMT as Shooter Core Framework.
Using ARPG Inventory System for Inventory (Pickup/Drop/Items:POWs,Weapons), Chat, Optionally Player Point to Move Subsystem.
Using Chameleon for Various Post Process FX, Toon Shader

Integrating Character Customizer

Using Character Customizer for Various Human Characters.
Anime Styling Tests. Increasing Eye Size slightly above normal scale.
Cel-Shading Style Tests.

the FPS industry requires a lot of weapons tipe with very flashy bullets many drivable vehicles whit biger flashy bullets a very large playing area with innovative flashy map a gread grind gain gather go craft/skill/gear sistem and new game modes everything else is useless but necessary like my ex girlfriend’s make-up it is beautiful even without one thing is beautiful because it is beautiful without a make-up for games it’s the same thing

None of the requirements you listed are mandatory nor necessary. They are just choices. I assume you mean AAA Game Industry, well they have to design games a certain way to please their investors and existing player base.

I do not.

If you have new ideas and solutions, please feel free to share them.

starts with a set 2 3 types of ecc tank helicopter aircraft jeep, truk small and large robots sute all super armerd with futuristic weapons all drivable in a multiplayer map with a very generous spawn of vehicles and player number whit flashy bullets do this if you want to do something cool

if you want to monetize do a VR arcade in a arcade-style shooter game

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I Love Arcade Shooters Like This. RailShooters are awesome, but, sadly rare these days.

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Cyber-Steam-Vapor Punk Aesthetic Testing

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Legendary Arcade los tecnology… it is possible to move it to VR gameplay where are you standing in VR and in front only off you you have some intractive action fists and gun arcade style put a UI VR buttons to hit front off a player 3 on each side for close combat similar to beat saber but without music fight yse to understend and VR guns for long rage to interact with the film set in front not being a 360 degree game it is possible to go heavy with graphic effects making graphics look better than other VR products VR arcades are an advertisement for the product a guy goes to a place try the VR with your game the first thing he does is buy your game at home

good story plot a suitable music is a AAA game

Too Many Widgets

Working on a simple concept for customization

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an FPS Asset should have everything except graphics music a ready to go multiplayer steam epik solo multiplayer server redy, yse to mod whit all instrucitons + all All multiplayer modes from death mace to capture the flag by jumping on one leg
a base wepon set-up di armi generali pistol, shotgun, missiles, grenades damage with numbers all in style, age of empire map editor for stupid children since you want to make a template that sells to children you have to give a quick and easy understandable tool for stupid children because stupid children since they are children the ingenuity of children creates quality products you need to make a template that my 80 year old grandmother can use ready to go

because honestly we have the EPIK UN5 template a perfect free Template example for an expert things are missing for the 80 year old grandmother or a child at the first experience with editing basically you have to do everything with an admin UI that modifies everything Age off Emire 2 editro in e FPS UN5 version hard job but is gona be a gold mine 5% tank you guys!!

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A Game of Mazes and Monsters…

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Monsterous Damage

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