Round Win Condition updating Total column

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

Island Settings


Island Settings:

  • Round Win Condition: Health
  • First Scoreboard Column: Score
  • Second Scoreboard Column: Eliminations

With these settings, on a brand new Session, the scoreboard is reporting 100 under the Total column left of the player name (which is not considered the “first scoreboard column”).

As I sit in storm, the Total ticks down from 100 to 0 as I die. This Total column is supposed to show # of rounds won. At the start of the next round, Total reports 101 (my health + my round win). As I sit in storm , it ticks down from 101 to 1. Next round 102 to 2, etc.

When I hover over the “Round Win Condition” item, the description says… “If scoreboard column options are unset, this statistic is displayed in the first column of the scoreboard”. But my scoreboard options are set, and really, this is not in the first column, its in what I would call column 0 left of the player name, representing wins.

If you uncheck the “Round Win Condition”, it stops adding the Health under the Total column.

Steps to Reproduce

Island Settings:

  • Round Win Condition: Health
  • First Scoreboard Column: Score
  • Second Scoreboard Column: Eliminations

Expected Result

Total column should only report number of round wins.

Observed Result

Total column reports round wins + current health


PC Windows 10

Island Code


This is when

  • Game Win Condition = Most Score Wins

It changes the left-most column from Wins to Total and sums up all the scoreboard columns on the right. So if you are showing Score, Elims, Deaths, it will sum them all up and show that for Total.

If you want to use Most Score Wins, you can only show Score in First Scoreboard Column otherwise Total makes no sense at all.