Rotator -> Transform3x3Matrix -> BoxMask-3D (Rotations reversed!)

Hello everyone.

I’m having hard time to fixing a problem rotating boxmask-3d in all 3 axis, I managed to fix any 2 at a time but never all together.

Basically, I have a cube component that its rotator is streaming through Forward/Right/Up vectors to feed material parameters. Then those material parameters are passed through a Transform3x3Matrix to match the rotation, and then BoxMask-3d would be perfectly aligned.

All the boxmask’s 3 axis rotate the opposite of the cube!

If I negate any one axis, I get the rest rotating in the right direction.
If I negate any two axis, I get only 1 axis rotating to the right direction.
of course, negating all 3 axis is as if none was negated, still all axis rotating to the wrong direction.

How can i drive the boxmask with the cube, sort of absolute parenting in world space.

Here are the blueprints (the work was copied from : - GIFs - Imgur](Imgur: The magic of the Internet)):


Construction Script:
The mask turn the opposite side, same for the other axis: (both objects are components in a blueprint)

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Instead of using a Transform3x3Matrix, you can do it a bit more manually with a bit of math.
The screenshot below shows how I did it.