Rotating a Vector produces inconsistent results.

If we imagine a vector V in Unreal space V=(0,0,1) and then rotate that vector (around the coordinate origin) by some rotator R, in this example +90deg around the X axis R=(90,0,0) our vector should now be (0,1,0), we moved it from the Z to the Y axis.

If I’m correct this should be an example of rotating a vector by a rotator.

the problem is Unreals code does something different:

FVector v1 = h.ImpactNormal;
v1 = player->GetActorRotation().RotateVector(v1);

This piece of code produces completely unpredictable results, at least to my eyes.
But to add to my confusion, it works perfectly if I perform this rotation in stages, like so:

FVector v1 = h.ImpactNormal;
v1 = v1.RotateAngleAxis(player->GetActorRotation().Roll,  FVector(1,0,0));
v1 = v1.RotateAngleAxis(player->GetActorRotation().Pitch, FVector(0,1,0));
v1 = v1.RotateAngleAxis(player->GetActorRotation().Yaw,   FVector(0,0,1));

So my question is what is happening here, the second method works as described above, but why does it differ from the first, and what does the first method actually do?

#include "Kismet/KismetMathLibrary.h" 
FVector v1 = hit.ImpactNormal;
FVector v2 = UKismetMathLibrary::Quat_RotateVector(player->GetActorRotation().Quaternion(), v1);

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