Rotate Mesh Around Point in C++


I am looking to use C++ code to make an effect where the character mesh from the third-person template is flipping around its own center of mass. However, the pivot point is at its feet, and I would like to rotate around an arbitrary point. I have looked at other answers regarding rotating around arbitrary pivot points and am still confused on how to implement such a thing.

Try this code

URotatingMovementComponent* RotatingMovement = ObjectInitializer.CreateDefaultSubobject(this, TEXT("RotatingMovement"));
 RotatingMovement->RotationRate = FRotator(0, 80, 0); 
 RotatingMovement->PivotTranslation = FVector(0, -180, 0);

What do you have to include to be able to use this code?

it’s very easy to use transforms.
this code is easily translated into C ++