Working on a top down twin stick game and trying to get the player to rotate. Using a network controller that I was able to move the character with WASD. Trying to use the arrow keys to rotate now. I have determined that I am getting a vector length from the keys and I am getting an appropriate rotation. Having a problem actually rotating the character and I think that it has something to do with the target I supplied. I am using a player character controller reference. I have also used self and get player controller. None rotate the character. Any ideas?
Is your controller attached to pawn?
Which blueprint have you made this in?
If you are using arrow keys, I would change your inputs to action mappings rather than axis. Then use the execution to plus or minus (left or right) from you current pawn rotation (get current rotation - maths - set rotation).
I believe the issue is that you are Setting the control rotation instead of adding to it.
So say for example the Axis result of the right arrow key is 1 and the left arrow key is -1. All you are currently doing in your graph is setting the X rotation as either -1, 0 or 1.
What you need is to either instead use the Add Controller Yaw/Pitch Input or first Get the control Rotation, add the Rotation from X Vector and the current control rotation together, and then set the control rotation.
My network player controller is attached to my player character. The blueprint is in the player controller. I will probably change my inputs for now till I hook up a controller. I attached the bp that moves the character from side to side if that helps.
I just tried what you suggested and got the control rotation, added the xvector rotation and then used that to set the current control rotation. But it gave me the same yaw output as before which appears correct. Unfortunately still no rotation.
Hmm, try checking the capsule component and look for UseControllerRotationYaw. Could be that it needs to be either ticked or unticked.
It’s a little difficult to give ya any extra details without further details