Rotate Camera

Hi there, For my top-down project, I added WASD walking and Right click camera rotation. However, even if I change the direction of the camera with the right click, when I press W it goes upwards, not where I turned.

I’m trying to explain are attached, can you please help?

Hey @tavukgogsu!

Would you mind sharing your blueprints so we can see what you are working with? In the meantime, check out this thread that goes over the issue you are facing!

I hope the above thread works for you!

This for Cam rotation

and this for wasd control

Hey @tavukgogsu!

Have you taken a look at the Third person character template? It has a similar set up to what you already have. You will need to reference the camera, get the camera z rotation, and plug it into the z (yaw).

I hope the above is the solution you need.